Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Bradshaw, Thomas

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475072Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 06 — Bradshaw, Thomas1886Sidney Lee

BRADSHAW, THOMAS (fl. 1591), poet, was the author of 'The Shepherd's Starre, now of late scene and at this hower to be obserued, merueilous orient in the East: which bringeth glad tydings to all that may behold her brightnes, having the foure elements with the foure capitall vertues in her, which makes her elementall and a vanquishor of all earthly humors. Described by a Gentleman late of the Right worthie and honorable the Lord Burgh, his companie & retinue in the Briell in North-holland,' London, 1591. The dedication is addressed to the well-known Earl of Essex and to 'Thomas Lord Burgh, baron of Gaynsburgh, Lord Gouernour of the towne of Bryell and the fortes of Newmanton and Cleyborow in North Holland for her Maiestie.' Alexander Bradshaw prefixes a letter to his brother the author (dated 'from the court of Greenewich upon Saint George's day, 1591, Aprill 23') in which he says that he has taken the liberty of publishing this book in its author's absence abroad. The preliminary poems by I. M. and Thomas Groos deal with Bradshaw's departure from England. The volume consists of 'A Paraphrase upon the third of the Canticles of Theocritus,' in both verse and prose. The author's style in the preface is highly affected and euphuistic, but the Theocritean paraphrase reads pleasantly. The book is of great rarity. A copy is in the British Museum. A Thomas Bradshaw proceeded B.A. at Oxford in 1547, and supplicated for the degree of M.A. early in 1549 (Oxf. Univ. Reg., Oxf. Hist. Soc., i. 212).

[Corser's Collectanea (Chetham Soc.), i. 328; Brit. Mus. Cat.]